
“Ayrshire College is committed to obtaining value for money in all its procurement activities and ensuring that the procurement of goods, services and works adheres to the college's procurement strategy and financial regulations.”


The Procurement Strategy, endorsed by the Executive Management Team, sets out the procurement direction of Ayrshire College. The strategy is subject to ongoing development and shall evolve in line with local, regional, sectoral and national procurement initiatives.

Ayrshire College Annual Procurement Report

Click here for Ayrshire College’s Annual Procurement Report for the period 1 August 2021 to 31 July 2022


Procurement within the College is devolved to departments. However, the overall remit of Procurement is structured as follows:

James Thomson, (Interim) Vice Principal 

Kathleen Harper, Procurement Manager        


Ayrshire College is a member of Advanced Procurement for Universities and Colleges (APUC) Ltd which is the Procurement Centre of Expertise for Universities and Colleges. APUC Ltd works collaboratively with Universities and Colleges in setting up contracts on behalf of the Higher and Further Education Sectors in Scotland. Ayrshire College procures from these contracts where possible.

The College also has access to the following :

  • UK Higher and Further Education Framework Agreements
  • Scottish Government Procurement Services Framework Agreements
  • National Public Sector Framework Agreements

Where the College requires to procure goods, services or works that are not covered by Framework Agreements set up by the above, the College complies with the following procedure:

  • £0-£5,000 – 1 quote
  • £5,001 - £35,000 – 3 written quotes
  • £35,001 - £213,477 – Competitive Tenders
  • Above £213,477 (goods and services)- UK e-notification service
  • Above £5,336,937 (works) – UK e-notification service
    Note - all figures inclusive of VAT

This link will take you to the Ayrshire College Terms and Conditions for Purchase of Goods and Services


Ayrshire College advertises all tenders above £50,000 through the Public Contracts Scotland Advertising Portal. The PCS Portal is also used for smaller value tenders and/or Quick Quotes.


Ayrshire College current contracts can be viewed at Ayrshire College Contracts Register 


Sustainable Procurement is defined as 'a process whereby organisations meet their needs for goods, services, works and utilities in a way that achieves value for money on a whole life basis and generates benefits not only to the organisation, but also to society, the economy and the environment'.

Ayrshire College is committed to achieving sustainable procurement through an on-going process of developing procurement procedures with all elements of the supply chain to ensure social, ethical and environmental criteria are integrated into contracts aimed at achieving best value by: 

  • Adopting the APUC Supply Chain Code of Conduct as part of our commitment to conducting procurement activities in a socially responsible manner, see Supply Chain Code of Conduct
  • Using the Sustainability Test for contracts over £50,000.
  • Considering the whole life cost of goods and services procured
  • Considering the environmental and social impact of goods and services in the tender process
  • Communicating and promoting sustainability to all employees and ensuring that it is included in the tender process
  • Using the Public Contracts Scotland Advertising Portal for goods and services above £25,000

Privacy Notice- Tendering Contractor/Contractor Staff  

Download a copy of our Privacy Notice


The College issues Purchase Orders to inform suppliers of our requirements and as authorisation for them to proceed with the requirement.  Under no circumstances should any goods, services or works be provided unless you are in receipt of an official Ayrshire College Purchase Order.



Modern Slavery Statement

Ayrshire College is committed to the protection of and respect for all human rights and has adopted a zero-tolerance position to slavery and human trafficking in all its forms.  It’s statement constitutes the College’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year beginning 1 August 2021 and ending 31 July 2022. It sets out the steps the College has taken and will take across its teaching and operational activities in relation to slavery and human trafficking as set out in Section 54, Part 6 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Ayrshire College Modern Slavery Statement 2021-22


Further Action

Ayrshire College will work to continue to raise awareness of modern slavery both internally and with our external stakeholders and suppliers.

We will identify and work with our suppliers to ensure that they share this commitment.

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