Shape children’s lives, and your career
For a start, you can help children learn new skills and develop their personalities. You’ll also be making a difference to their brain development, which means you can have a crucial impact on their whole life. And it’s not just the children’s lives you’ll be changing – your career and outlook on life will take on a whole different shape too.
Annemarie Gillis, from Stevenston, is an Ayrshire College Early Years Ambassador studying NC Higher Early Education and Childcare. She tells us why she has chosen a career in Early Years.
“I love working with children. Coming from a big family, it has always been something I’ve enjoyed.
When I was in school, my work experience was at a nursery. Since then, I’ve worked in a few nurseries, and was also a child-minder for a time too.
My youngest has just gone to school, so the time is right now for me to pursue my career.
I’ve been out of education for such a long time, so getting back into that setting has been strange. But, I’ve enjoyed the whole learning experience so far. I’m especially looking forward to the work placement.

At first I was nervous about going to college as a mature student, but I needn’t have worried. I’ve found that the class is very supportive of each other, and the lecturers are fantastic, which is great. It really doesn’t matter what age you are.
Initially I came into the course hoping to work in a teacher support role, but now I’d be happy to work in both the school and the nursery setting.
I would say that anyone who wants to work in Early Years has to be really committed. It’s definitely a career that you need to be passionate about.
The most rewarding thing about working with children is seeing them progress. Being part of the process is fantastic.”