• Engineering

    SVQ 2 Performing Engineering Operations - Aeronautical (Prestwick Academy) (Level 5)

  • Eligible Schools

    Prestwick Academy

  • Location/Day/Time

    Ayr Campus

    Monday and Wednesday

    14:00 - 17:00

  • Start Date

    Aug 2025


This course is being run in partnership with Prestwick Academy and is for anyone who has an interest in Engineering, enjoys practical hands-on work in a workshop environment, can problem solve and wishes to gain relevant practical experience within this industry to possibly gain an apprenticeship. You will populate and develop an online portfolio which can be used to show employers during interviews. You need to be able to work safely and be very responsible about Health & Safety. Local businesses will provide mentors.

Course Content

This course provides a basic requirement for a Modern Apprenticeship. Students will learn vocational skills in Engineering including:

  • Complying with statutory regulations and organisational safety requirements
  • Using and interpreting engineering data and documentation
  • Working efficiently and effectively in engineering
  • Producing components using hand fitting techniques
  • Carrying out aircraft detail fitting activities
  • Installing aircraft mechanical fasteners
  • Producing aircraft detail assemblies
  • Producing CAD models (drawings) using a CAD system

Entry Requirements

You should have Nat 4 Application of Maths or Nat 4 Maths and ideally an engineering qualification. If you want to take engineering further, you should be working at Nat 5 Application of Maths or Nat 5 Maths. Nat 5 Physics is helpful too. You will be required to complete an aptitude test at interview. An aptitude test at interview will also be required.

How will I be assessed?

Assessments are practical and focus on the attainment of new skills as and when you acquire them. You will be required to complete a log book.

What should I expect?

The course involves practical workshop activities used to develop various engineering techniques. There are some computer-based subjects too. Evidence is generated using an online portfolio.

Careers and Further Study

Successful completion of this course may provide you with opportunities to progress to a full time Engineering College Course at college and there may also be opportunities for Modern Apprenticeships. If you want to study Engineering, the PEO is a great addition to your National Qualifications because it shows that you have practical experience.

Places available



Start Date

Aug 2025

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