After Your Interview

We hope your interview will go well and you will be offered a place on the course. Once you receive a letter with an offer of a place, what do you do next?

Accept the offer by following the instructions in your offer letter

Contact the student funding team to get your course funding organised

If you would like to speak to someone from our inclusive learning team to support your learning at College call 0300 303 0303

During July and August you will receive an email inviting you to complete an on-line induction. You need to do this so that you receive important information about starting College. Keep checking your email account for updates.

Some of our courses have a Facebook group - you will be invited to join so that you start to meet other students on your course and find out information relevant to your specific course.

If you have questions about starting your course please contact our Student Services team who can help you or can put you in touch with the right person to answer your query.

If you have any questions please call our general enquiries on 0300 303 0303


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