Student Association

“Coming to college is more than just an education; it's a journey. It's about meeting new people, having new experiences and making memories that will last a lifetime.”

What We Do

What We Do

The Student Association is here to help make your journey as enjoyable as possible. We have the students' best interests at heart and will strive to provide the best guidance and support possible.

We want to open doors and create opportunities to enhance your college experience and ensure your college years are some of your most memorable years.

We can support you with issues and advice that you may face throughout your journey. From coursework, housing issues, finance, health, learning support amongst many others; we will do our best to signpost you in the right direction. You will always be welcome and greeted with a smile at any of our Student Association offices.

How Do I Get Involved?

How Do I Get Involved?

If you want to become more involved with the Student Association as a whole, why not stand as a candidate in the Executive Team elections?

The following 9 positions are available:

  • Mature Students Officer*
  • Young Students Officer*
  • LGBT+ Students Officer*
  • BME Students Officer*
  • Disabled Students Officer*
  • Woman’s Officer*
  • Welfare Officer
  • Events Officer
  • Sports & Physical Activities Officer

Please note that the positions marked with an * are ‘self-identifying’ roles, which means that you have to belong to the community to which that position applies.

Please also note that you can only apply for one position.

These posts are voluntary positions which will require you to commit approximately 2 hours of your spare time each week.

Any student who has a few hours to spare a week and identifies with any of these roles, has some knowledge of the topics and is willing to learn more can apply. Training will be given to all officers in their respective field and also may be able to incorporate into their studies. This is a fantastic opportunity, please don’t miss out!

You can also become a Class Representative. It is so important that every class has a Class Representative. The Class Rep’s job is to be the voice of the students, to take forward the views of their class as a whole, to ensure that they are receiving the quality of learning & teaching they require to go on and be successful in their chosen careers.

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